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SAME physicians work as a team with the Veteran, their Veterans Service officer (VSO), lawyer, or agent to get the medical evidence needed in the Veteran’s complete medical file (C-file).

SAME physicians are certified VA Compensation and Pension (C&P) examiners with over a decade of experience.

  • We offer VA Disability Benefits Questionnaires (DBQs) medical evaluations via in-person or telehealth services for Higher Ratings, New, Supplemental, Appeal, and 1151 claims.

  • We review, gather, analyze, and interpret all U.S. military service and medical records from when the Veteran entered the military to the present day.

  • We order and interpret all radiologic imaging, labs, and procedures needed for supporting evidence for your case. [e.i. Sleep study test, PFT, X-ray, MRI, CT, DEXA scan, EEG, EKG, stress test, Echocardiogram, UA, CBC, CMP, EGD, colonoscopy, PFAS, genetic markers, biopsy, etc.].

  • Our Nexus Letters are medical opinions that abide by the VA Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) to provide the Veteran with the best service quality. In addition, our medical opinions are 100% unbiased, which increases the likelihood of success.

We effectively communicate with all Veterans via our HIPPA-compliant health platform app, which can be downloaded to your phone or used on your computer—no matter your location.

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